I am presenting some basic linux commands which is very useful for the newbie:
(1) Files related commands
Next will be related to process management: follow me
(1) Files related commands
- ls -l :List files in current directory using long format.
- ls -al :List files in current directory with hidden files.
- ls -F :List files in current directory and indicate the files types.
- rm name :Remove a file or directory called name.
- rm -rf name :Remove all directory and subdirectory under name directory.
- cp filename /home/dev :Copy the file called filename to the /home/dev directory.
- cat filename :To display the content of file named filename.
- more filename :To display file named filename one page at a time, when u want to proceed to next page use the spacebar.
- head filename :To display the first 10 lines of the file called filename.
- tail filename :To display the last 10 lines of the file called filename. (tail -f file: output the last 10 line contents of file named file.)
- touch filename :To create a file named filename.
- mv file1 file2 :Rename or move file 1 to file2 if file2 existing directory, moves file1 into files2.
Next will be related to process management: follow me
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