Must have firefox addons for web designers and developers

Posted by hariom On March 07, 2012 0 comments
Every trade has its tools. So is the web designing and developement. Here I am sharing some of the very useful firefox addons to help you be more productive in your web desiging process.

1. Firebug : Firebug top the list. It sits at bottom of your taskbar. By right clicking on any webpage you can inspect any element of the page be it div , CSS , Color or any thing. You can literally change the look of any page and see the change loccally on you computer.

2. Web developer : It is simmilar to firebug but can inspect the page in some different style. Both addons are complementry to each other. A nice addon to have.

3. ColorZilla : Many a time you wish to know what color scheme this page is using. for picking colors on page this addon is very handy.

4.  Pixle Grabber   : In course of your desinging you need to get sceenshots of pages or little slice of particular area of page then this addon is very helpful you can save the images to you computer.

5. Font Info  :  This addon is helpful when you need to know what font has been used on any webpage.

This is not the complete list of addons, there may be many more. If you have used any addon let us know through your comments.

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